Sunday, January 13, 2013

Crazy randoms

Dearest Hermana Em,

I jotted down some notes of an overload post of things I want you to find when you get back!

This video is the reason I am now in love with 5 Guys burgers and fries. I know, I can't believe I had never had it before. But we finally went during Christmas break when Jake got home from BYU. OBSESSED. Now we quote this video all the time!

Another Cjane post about Anson

Kelly and Brian blog post about their baby girl due in May. 

BYU Mistletoe Prank video

I have also screen captured so many IG pics I just know you would love. Those will come another time. 



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cjane's #4

Dearest Hermana Em,

In October I was so happy to tell you about Cjane's baby #4 on the way with this post. But then sadly in January, this post came to be and I was so sad for her. But it is beautifully written, and I know blessings are coming her way!

Also, I just want you to remember that you need to look up Mumford and Sons album Babel, and the new One Direction album from 2012.

